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Фармакологические форумы > Новости медицины сайта www.mastopatia.ru > Diagnosis by Chinese Traditional Medicine

Автор: GrigorjevMI 27.06.2005 - 11:34

Dr Jeovany Martinez Pulls
Degree specialist 1st class in Human Anatomy. Professor Instructor of the "ICBP Victory of Girón". Member of the Traditional Medicine Chair
16 solitude # and Pepe Antonio and San Ramon. Guanabacoa. C of Havana. Cuba. Email: jeovany.martinez@infomed.sld.cu

Navarrese Clear Dra. G. Rosales
Degree specialist 1st class in Human Anatomy. Professor Instructor of the "ICBP Victory of Girón". Member of the Traditional Medicine Chair
Paved with stones # 517 and Monserrate and Villegas. Old Habana. C of Havana. Cuba. Email: clara.navarro@infomed.sld.cu

Dra. Elvira Fábregas Milian
Specialist of Second Degree in Human Anatomy. Professor Auxiliar of the "ICBP Victory of Girón". President of the Traditional Medicine Chair.

Dra. Aurora Rodriguez Rodriguez
Degree specialist 1st class in Human Anatomy. Professor Asistente of the "ICBP Victory of Girón". Member of the Traditional Medicine Chair
Street 56 #5505 and 55 and 57. Beach. C of Havana. Cuba

Dra. Charity Dovale Borjas.
Specialist of Second Degree in Human Anatomy. Professor Titular of the "ICBP Victory of Girón". Member of the Traditional Medicine Chair.
19 street 200 # 1705 and 17 and. Siboney. Beach. C of Havana. Cuba.

Dra. Yudeisy Rodriguez Hernandez.
General Medico

Institution: ICBP "Victory of Girón"
Natural and Traditional Medicine chair


The application of the techniques of Medicina Asian Tradicional (M.T.A.), has every day greater force and importance. For that reason we occurred to the task of describing in a group of medicine students of City of Havana, the presence of menstrual upheavals. Soon diagnosis of the M. T. was applied to them to the method reached the conclusion that the more frequent pathogenic factor is the humidity, producing retensión of corporal liquids and stagnation of Qi and Xue. In addition to which the menstrual upheaval of greater incidence was the menalgia.

Key words: Menstrual upheavals, traditional Diagnosis, Stagnation.

The uses of the Chinese Medicine techniques there are every day to bigger importance. For that reason have been studied to group of 20 menstrual Young girls with dysfunctions. After that, the diagnosis by Chinese Medicine was donates. To conclusion was that the most frequent patogenic factor between the girls was humidity (damp), promoting retention of corporal fluids and blockage of Qi and Xue. On the to other hand the most frequent menstrual to disorder was menalgia.

Key words: Menstrual dysfunctions, Traditional diagnosis, Blockage.


The Western Medicine considers that the menstruation is a periodic physiological hemorrhage that is originated in the uterine mucosa and happens habitually in cycles of 28 days.
The intervals are considered normal that oscillate between 21 and 35 days [ 1 ]. The duration of the sangramiento varies between the 2 and 8 days, with a loss of blood of around 50 mililiter, being translated this in the use on the part of the woman of between 2 and 6 daily sanitary pads.

The color of the menstrual flow is similar to the one of the venous blood and can form small clots. The sensation of slowness at level of the pelviana region usually is considered like normal. This period [ 2 forms part of the call menstrual cycle ].

We know that the balance health disease can be seen affected, from the point of view Medicina Chinese Tradicional (M.T.A.), by the environmental factors (External Factors), the emotional tendencies of each person (Internal Factors) and the inadequate regimes of life (nonInternal nonExternal Factors) [ 1, 3, 4, 5 ].

He would not be preposterous then to think that within a group of individuals that live under the same climatic conditions and that by cultural patterns and of social learning share similars dietetic habits and ways of life, a predominance of certain patterns of imbalance appears.

These patterns of imbalance logically will be favored or not in their installation by the particular condition of each patient.

The menstrual function this determining by the general state of the individual since one is in intimate relation with the basic components energía(Qi), sangre(Xue), esencia(Jing) and corporal liquids (Jing ye) depending his behavior on the suitable operation of the organs and vísceras, fundamentally of 3 Kidney, Hi'gado and Bazo [ ].

We understand that the characteristics of the menstruation are important data that they can warn to us early of the imbalance of the organism. In addition importance to the menstrual upheavals is not due to reduce because ] constitutes in themselves a disease [ 1.

We thought then, that when making a study of the menstrual upheavals, we can know which are the pathogenic factors that with more frequency determine their appearance and that affectation causes between the basic components and the organs and vísceras.

Material and Method

In order to make this study a sample was taken at random from 20 medicine students of the ICBP "Victory of Girón" included/understood between the ages of 17 and 25 years. An interview was made and the physical examination, including examination of the language, to apply the traditional diagnosis. The obtained data was processed in tables of contingency and distribution of percents.

Results and discussion

The menstrual upheavals found and their distribution by frequencies can be appraised in Table Not 1.

We observed the great frequency whereupon they appear alterations of the menstruation in the sample. Within these most abundant it is the painful menstruation (menalgia), suffered by 75 % of the encuestadas women and who are associated the same to the alterations by excess (hipermenorrea, proiomenorrea) that to the calls alterations by defect (opsomenorrea, amenorrhoea).

This pain is described in most of the cases (11 of them) like very intense, of cólico or sharp type, with location preferredly in hipogastrio and irradiation to flanks and lumbar region, being fundamentally premenstrual or in the first days of the menstruation.

It is alleviated with the expulsion of clots. Single 20 % of the patients with menalgia described it of slight intensity moderate, rather like sensation of slowness in hipogastrio or vague location.

Was not association between the use of contraceptives and the appearance of the menstrual upheavals. The symptoms that with more frequency were associated to the irregularities of the menstruation were those that are exposed in Table Not 2.

Llama the patient attention that 80% of the leucorrea present. This leucorrea is of white color to transparency, little and viscous in 75% of the cases and is transparent, fluid and abundant in rest 15%. It is remarkable the association of migraine, irascible temperament and mastodinia.

Traditional diagnosis

The human body has the capacity to resist to diverse aggressions being maintained a relative balance in the interior of the body. To the factors able to upset the balance one denominates pathogenic factors to them and to the ones in charge to maintain them 3.5 factors antipathogenic [ ].

The disease must to the confrontation between these two factors, when the body no longer is able to resist the aggressions upsets the Yin-Yang balance in the organism [ 3.4 ].

The traditional diagnosis can settle down of different forms. We will consider only following [ 3 ]:
  • Etiología by the Pathogenic Factors
  • Imbalance of the Basic Components
  • Syndromes by the Zang-Fu
Pathogenic Factors

The pathogenic factors take name from the events of the climate (wind, heat, cold, humidity, dryness) [ ]. With this one admits that the environmental conditions give origin to diseases but also those factors are described jointly that without being of climatic origin take to the individual to a imbalance similar to first.

In order to differentiate we used them the endogenous terms of for which they are originated in the Zang- Fu and exogenous for that they agreden from the surface. [ 3.4.5 ]

In our work we will limit ourselves to expose the found pathogenic factors without entering to consider in each case if they are external or internal. We must add that the pathogenic factors can be combined in their presentation and transform into others [ 3.5 ].

We stated that the humidity is the pathogenic factor that with more frequency we found in our means (Table 3).

This one is originated by a imbalance in the handling of the corporal liquids allowing that these stagnate and make difficult to the circulation of the energy and the blood.

The menstruation with abundance of clots is expression of this upheaval (signal of the enlentecimiento in the circulation of the blood), the menalgia, mastodinia (enlentece the circulation of Qi by the liver channel) and nodules in the breasts that demonstrate the presence of flema (produced from the humidity). Also the sensations of slowness in the extremities and the viscous leucorrea are typical of the humidity.

The pulse is generally sliding. When the humidity has been time of evolution, the stagnation that causes in the circulation of Qi is transforming into local endogenous heat.

In the case of the organ Liver due to his nature (wood) it is relatively easy that the stagnation causes hyperactivity of the Yang or agitation of the 3 fire [ ].

This pathology pronounces with migraine, irritability, aftas buccal, the menstrual sangramiento becomes from dark color and can alter the menstrual interval towards the proiomenorrea (about this case it thinks about heat in blood). The fast pulse is felt.

Cold the pathogenic factor is the Yin plus of all and contraction of the glasses and channels are expressed like weakness of the Yang functions, causing reason why it stops the circulation of energy, it bleeds and 3.4.5 corporal liquids [ ].

We thought about upheavals by cold before the clear menstruations, the leucorrea transparency and fluid, the association with diarreas you eliminate and you cold. In addition we associated this pathogenic factor to the long cycles (opsomenorrea and amenorrhoea) expression of the deficiency of Yang de Riño'n and to the asthenia.

We must realize that the cold also is menalgia cause and that current is transformed into humidity. If we know that the stagnation of the corporal liquids sometimes must to a deficient operation of Bazo or Riño'n (Xu de Yang), we will understand that some of the reported cases as humidity could have their principle in the cold factor, to affirm this we would have to explore the operation of the rest of the Zang-Fu being made complete clinical history.

Basic Components

The basic components of the organism are: Corporal energy (Qi), Blood (Xue), Liquids (Jin- Ye) and Essence (Jing) [ ]. These components depend on the function of the organs and vísceras and relate the different parts from the body to each other.
Following act we expose the alterations found in the basic components. (Table Not 4).

The stagnation of Qi is reflected like vague, moderate pain, nonsharp. Of this form difference of the blood stagnation that is pronounced in intense pain, or located, of cólico, sharp type or with beat sensation, also can be pronounced in the formation of clots. As it wants that Qi is the impeller of the sanguineous circulation and that the coagulation or accumulation of blood can block the passage of Qi, he is habitual that the stagnations of Qi and Xue are concomitantes.

The stagnation of Qi by humidity or flema can with time take to a perversion of its 3 movement [ ]. This anomalous movement is observed in the cases of migraine, aftas buccal and irritability by perversion of the Qi of liver and in the case of vomits by perversion of the Qi of stomach.

The deficiency of Qi observed between 45 % of the encuestadas ones is expressed in the insufficiency of the Yang functions of the Zang - Fu, like the insufficiency of Qi de Hi'gado that does not allow to control the volume of menstrual blood and it tends to the upheavals with plus sign (hipermenorrea and proiomenorrea) being different itself from the heat in blood in which the menstruation in the first case appears red brilliant and in the second dark with other heat symptoms.

Another alteration that was observed in the sample was the deficiency of Qi of kidney that makes menstrual the cycles long (opsomenorrea or amenorrhoea). Let us remember that the humidity can be caused by deficiency of Qi de Bazo but simultaneously the excess of humidity (motivated by rich the fat food abuse, candies, among other causes) makes difficult to the process of transport and transformation of Bazo with which the organism obtains less energy.

We resorted to the pulse to support the diagnosis of deficiency of Qi since in these cases one is deep.

The deficiency of blood showed by 10 % of the encuestadas women pale red color, asthenia and filiform pulse are expressed in the menstruations. In these two patients deficiency of Qi and Xue appears simultaneously.

Syndromes of the Zang-Fu

The exhibition of the main organs and vísceras responsible for the found menstrual upheavals is in Table Not 5.

Let us think that the explanation of the alterations of the Zang-Fu practically is exhausted in previous paragraphs.

We only indicated that we considered two of the encuestadas ones like normal and that in the case of the Bazo organ we limited ourselves to count those patients who presented/displayed clear samples of the deficiencies of this organ as in the case of presenting/displaying diarreas of cold type (failure in the transport and the transformation) and in the one of encuestadas with manifestations of asthenia and the joint deficits of Qi and Xue since the one in charge to transform the water and basic foods into energy is east organ and substances to form blood.

The syndromes that with more frequency were in our sample were:
  • [ Stagnation of the Qi de Hi'gado: Caused by the humidity. The liver fails in its function of dispersion and drainage. It is pronounced with menalgia, mastodinia, menstrual alterations towards the plus signs. Since the liver is the one in charge to harmonize the function of bazo and stomach draining the average Jiao can be accompanied by vomits by perversion of the Qi of estomago.
  • [ Ascent of the fire of Liver: It is an advanced stage more of the previous disorder. Migraine appears in addition and has oral manifestations of alterations of Heart like irascibilidad and ulcers
  • [ Deficiency of Qi de Riño'n: We talked about the Qi of the essence that pronounces in the espermatogénesis and the ovulation. Long cycles appear opsomenorrea and amenorrhoea, is accompanied by imbalance of the liquids (cold and humidity).
  • [ Deficiency of Qi de Bazo: It are expressed in asthenia, diarrea and stagnation of liquids in the average Jiao.
  • The menstrual upheavals are very abundant in the studied population.
  • The upheavals that more frequently appear are the menalgia or painful menstruation that are accompanied by mastodinia, migraine and irritability, this can be included in the dismenorrea concept.
  • The pathogenic factor that with more frequency we found originating the menstrual upheavals is the humidity. This humidity can appear single or accompanied of cold or heat (but habitually this last one).
  • Within the basic components the imbalances of the corporal liquids are those that we found more in the population, these cause stagnation of Qi and Xue.
  • The syndrome that more commonly appears is the stagnation of Qi de Hi'gado, also in its advanced stage but like agitation of the fire of Liver.
  1. Alvarez T. Temas de General Medicina Integral. Edit. Ecimed. Havana. 2001.
  2. Guyton To Tratado de medical Fisiologi'a. 9na edition. Edit. Inter-American. The USA. 1994
  3. Cheng XN. Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. Edit. Foreign languages, Beijing. 1998.
  4. Diaz M. Pensar about Chinese. Edit. Green Pharmacy. Mexico. 1996
  5. Alvarez To Asian traditional Medicina, Edit. Combined Federico Engels. Cuba. 1993.
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